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This advice is valid also for the seller of a property, who should have the same precautions as the buyer and insist on identical guarantees of seriousness and honesty in all transactions.
If you are dealing with a real estate agency, it is advisable:
In the case of direct negotiation, it is advisable to seek our expert advice in order to carry out the necessary checks prior to signing the preliminary agreement.
This applies also - and especially - to the seller, who otherwise might in good faith be unaware of certain restrictions or particular regulations which must be respected before committing to a sale.
Carried out the necessary checks and agreed with the seller of the terms of the contract, we proceed to the signing of the preliminary agreement, which by law can be transcribed at the Conservatory of RR. II.
The transcript makes public the preliminary agreement protecting the buyer from the harmful consequences for prejudicial transcriptions on the property (foreclosures, seizures, etc.), which may take place between the conclusion of the preliminary and the final contract, or bankruptcy of the seller. In the latter case, a privilege is provided to the purchaser over other creditors in the recovery of the amounts paid and the costs incurred.
The transcript of the preliminary and it is therefore advisable to be particularly appropriate in the following cases: